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What You Need To Know About Brown Biotechnology

What is Brown Biotechnology?

Brown biotechnology is a branch of  biotechnology that focuses on the management of arid lands and deserts. Also known as  Arid Zone and Desert Biotechnology. The technology aims at making an impact by using improved disease-free high-quality seeds and making use of the limited water in low-rainfall areas.

Brown biotechnology  considers crop management in the arid zones and deserts of the world. It aims to develop crops that can withstand the extreme climates of the worlds arid regions. Combining nature with technology for treatment of lackluster desert soils, creation of enhanced seeds to resist the extreme environments or creation of new agriculture methods.

Who is it for?

With a third of the worlds landmass being desert, and conditions that make farming and living a challenging feat. This sector of biotechnology is just as critical as the rest. An example of where brown biotechnology is an important research space is within the continent of Africa. With two-thirds of the continent being made up of areas such as desert or dry lands, arid soil creates massive issues when it comes to agriculture. Alongside being made up of the poorest countries in the world, Africa also comes with meager national resources. Feeding the population in area's such as this, is what Brown biotechnology is all about. 

Applications of Brown Biotechnology

Here are some of the notable impacts on the lives of people brown biotechnology has made:
  • Developments of genomic resources in SAT  crops, making orphan crops the "genomic resource-rich' ones. Allowing discovery of drought tolerance, resistant to wilting and blight. 
  • Downy mildew resistant pearl Millet. 
  • Approximately 300 improved cultivars of plants specifically for arid climates.

The Future of Brown Biotechnology

The future of brown biotechnology mainly relies on GMOs for creating the highest yielding crops with minimum water requirements.  Making use of micro-organism extracts as a substitute for nutrients and water is also another possible development. 



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