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5 Biotech Movies to Watch


We can't be working all the time unfortunately. An excellent way to spend your downtime is to watch a movie or series. These are our favorite movies and series to do with biotechnology, that we suggest you check out next time you want to sit back and unwind.

Splice (2009)

Two scientists decide to ignore the ban on research using human embryos and try to create a hybrid creature, illegally. Somehow, the scientists manage to make the experiments using the human embryos with a lack of funding... this obviously didn't  end well.

Contagion (2011)

A little close to current day reality, but in Contagion, the world faces a deadly viral infection with a rapid rate of spreading.  With no treatment available, the CDC gathers a team of doctors to identify ways of avoiding contagion, whilst looking for a cure. During this ordeal, chaos rules the world as millions die.

Icarus (2017)

Oscar winning documentary, Icarus follows film director and writer Bryan Fogel as he establishes a friendship with Russian scientist Grigory Rodchenkov, the director of Russia's anti-doping laboratory. The film follows Fogels' investigation into doping in sport (particularly cycling)  that famously traced its way to the uncovering of a state-sponsored Olympic doping program in Russia. This has to be one of the greatest pieces of investigative journalism ever witnessed. 

What/If (2019)

The oddball of this list. A young biotech founder, with a company struggling with cashflow (I'm sure we can all relate?) , strikes up an out of the ordinary deal with a well known, yet reticent female VC. In return for one night with the founders husband, the investor agrees to provide complete funding and  more or the company.

Unnatural Selection (2019)

This four episode docuseries covers the immense potential that CRISPR-Cas9 possesses. From biohackers to immunization of mice that infect humans with Lyme Disease, this series will show you stories of copious individuals assessing the ethical implications that surround the gene therapy. With both heart warming and frustrating scenarios, this is a must watch series for everyone, especially those with an interest in biotech.


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